PANAGA plays on both the native name “Naga” which means God and “Pa” meaning dad.
PANAGA is a unisex brand influenced by luxury and minimalism. Founded in 2014 by Clinton Osasenaga Idehen the brand officially launched in 2019.
PANAGA is a South African based brand focused on creating refined designs with functionality at its core. From stylish street and everyday wear, black tie fashion and avant-garde designs, PANAGA clothing is expertly tailored and uses luxury fabrics in predominantly neutral colours.
Our brand has a grounded approach to fashion, working to create clothing that is both conscious of the environment and diverse. PANAGA has always worked to be a symbol of freedom promoting diversity and access through unisex designs. Our 2021 collection, Earthy People II, brought the importance of environmentally responsible fabric choices to the forefront of our designs.
We believe that fashion is a visual narrative, where each person should have the freedom to experiment and play.
Commemorating the environment and people that shaped him, Founder and Creative Director by Clinton Osasenaga Idehen honoured both his home country Nigeria and late father when deciding on the name PANAGA for his company.
Our brand stands for equal rights, conscious fashion, refined craftmanship, minimalisms and an understated elegance that has excelled both nationally and internationally.
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